Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to School

This post is dedicated to my friend L., who started her first day of schoo..I mean, work, at a new job today! She hates being the new girl, and who doesn't? Nothing a few nifty office products can't fix, and believe me, I am an office supply WHORE. I have so many journals, agendas, day planners, notebooks--I just can't get enough of 'em! Thankfully I use them all, however that doesn't explain why I'm still disorganized. Anyway.

Here's a sampling of supplies that will boost your productivity and your serotonin levels from their sheer fabulousness!

I got this day planner recently from my friend A., and it makes me smile every day. It's the Non-Planner's Day Planner. Perfect for non-type-A's such as myself. Every day is a different illustrated format!! It's like a grown-up version of Highlights activities or something.

This next planner is a lovely horizontally formatted day organizer, from the folks at whoMi. I love the heft and the size, and especially the waterproof plastic cover. And Helvetica strikes again. Throw this planner in your Hobo bag and look chic and unique. You've got your shit together, girl.

For those who need giant rubber bands for...the things we need giant rubber bands are a set of lovely colored bands for your pleasure. I imagine you could even print or stamp a design on these bands, for added fun! Nice palette.

Lastly, for write-on-the-run pad fun, here are some cool objets from our Canadian friends at Uppercase (we love them). The covers are made from plastic sign letters. Could anything be more beautiful? You're gonna make it after all!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who, meme?

When I am at my weakest, blogwise, I return to the meme! I sure do love a good one. Luckily I was tagged by my pal M. a few weeks ago. This meme is the ultimate in navel-gazing. Ladies and gentlemen, 16 little-known facts about me:

1. It does not make me queasy to leave CD cases empty, their contents strewn about in a disorganized way.
2. If or when I have kids, I'd like to skip ages 3-14 and go right to their sophomore year in high school.
3. I hold in highest regard the ability to give a firm and friendly hug.
4. I am the worst procrastinator when it comes to sending things in the mail. Among other factors, I find I never have stamps.
5. I would like to study to be a master carpenter someday.
6. Sometimes I think I could be a better-than-average actor.
7. I once had flying phobia and have now licked it for good, although I am dreading my first flight to Australia or Southeast Asia.
8. I sound exactly like my sister on the phone.
9. I took college courses for credit when I was in seventh grade.
10. I played piano in a group performance in the Florida capitol rotunda once in eighth grade.
11. I am in constant search of the perfect surf shop hoodie.
12. I have absolutely no problem taking a long nap in the middle of the day. As a result, I worry that my net time spent sleeping is...a lot.
13. I only read food literature these days.
14. When I really like something (i.e. tasting food, shopping for clothing), I will start cursing ("this is the fucking best piece of meat I've ever had")
15. I crave long road trips when I can sing with my custom-made mix tape at the top of my lungs.
16. I wonder when we are ever going to be able to buy a house.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I sweep gingko leaves off the windshield

I'm back. My pal M urged me to start posting every day, and goshdarnit, I shall! Though I have no design-related news to report today, I thought it best to let you know that I will be sending missives via blog every day for as long as possible! Due to recent macroeconomic events, I have a lot more time on my hands, which of course means I will be fighting the evil force of inertia, especially during the hours of 7am and 10am. How I love thee, snooze button!

Ok, I'm going to break down and post 2 cool gifts I got from Santa (aka Lani) this year. The first is a set of Muji (go Muji!) cardboard speakers:

So cute! Loved especially the flat-packed presentation with translucent gift pouch. what's not to love?? A great travel-sized solution for your Ipod needs.

And next, Kelly Wearstler's recent tome, "Domicilium Decoratus".

It's a fun page turner, with photos of her domicile all prettied up in the way only Kelly can do. She a crazy lady. Though a lot of her touches aren't exactly my personal taste, the book is very inspirational and reminder to bust out of your comfort zone. Love.