When we visited New York we happened upon a store in the village that sold only lomography products. (Click pic for yelp reviews and info.)

Aside from the fact that the store was delightfully merchandised, I was tickled to find an HQ for this stuff. What is lomography, you ask? It's an analog way of taking pictures...you know, with that old stuff called, "film"...wherein you can achieve cool effects that one would associate with old cameras with light leaks, and other sorts of "flaws" that produce happy (IMO) accidents such as inadvertent color effects or double exposures. Fortunately or unfortunately the cameras have been re-introduced in the past few years at your friendly neighborhood hipster appropriators, Urban Outfitters. I remember back in school, students used old cameras, pinholes, and polaroids to achieve these kinds of effects to include in work. It's a look, and a look I happen to like. Here's some examples:

Cut to, there's a "Diana" camera out there that can not only achieve these effects, but can also take an instant film camera back! (Now that Polaroid instant has become defunct, I learned happily that Fuji is picking up the slack in the instant camera/film department! Oh joy!) Here's the camera that can be purchased at the lomography shop online.