If you listen to me once in your lifetime, please make it now. I'm about to enrich your life threefold. Sit down.
I am about to tell you of the wonders of SLO Chai. Picture it: I'm ambling along in San Luis Obispo at a farmer's market. It's a balmy day, and after perusing handmade rosemary mint soaps and infused vinegars, I look for some liquid refreshment. The next booth promises some iced-cold chai. The situation looks pretty granolafied: dude with a pleasant North-Face-Birkenstock-wearin' demeanor mans the counter. A vaguely Deadhead lookin' van is parked behind. Why not, I say and plop down my $2.50. I'm thirsty. What proceeds is a half hour smile on my face as I drink THE MOST SUBLIME MIX OF FAIR TRADE SPICE AND TEA AND MILK AND ICE EVER TO CROSS MY LIPS.
Fast forward 3 months. Nary a day goes by that I don't drink at least a cup of this life-giving nectar. Buy these jugs. You'd be a fool if you didn't. You say you don't like chai? Well, do you like music? Art? Rainbows? Kitty cats? Then take my advice: 2 parts chai to 1 part soy milk or regular milk. Ice. Your favorite cup. It's transcendent.
you are not lying - it was good. I would take it all hot with half n half...mmmm RICH! BTW, I took this pic for you:
ha!! thank you for the pic!! where was this taken? sur la table? pepper mills r' us?
i'm loving this blog, kathy...it gives me a boost to read about something cool, a rare find, a sweet tea, a decent channel, a kick-ass tee, cheery postcards,etc...
yes. it makes me smile. rock on.
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