Yesterday we caught the tail-end of the Renegade Craft Fair's first showing in San Francisco (!) It promises to be an annual event here, and we're long overdue. 'Parently the Fair has been showing in Chicago and Brooklyn for the last 6 or so years (I believe Chicago was its first city). ANYWAY, we had to bootscootboogie through the fair on the last day, as we were due over in the East Bay in the early evening. This meant that our friend L. and Lani and I had about less than hour to spend at the Fair, since we had just come in from SanJo to attend a wedding the night prior. (Congratulations Laurel & Ricardo! Holla!) It was a craft frenzy, and I almost lost my mind trying to ferret out the cool stuff through the crowd of hipsters and crafsters and strollers and the roaming 30 piece band that was playing. It rawked, though, and I did make a purchase: Petit Collage's screenprint of the alphabet in blue/green. Love her stuff; had seen it hanging at Zinc Details many moons ago, and was psyched to get a print of my very own! I also learned that we are Noe Valley neighbors. Fun. Lani also got me a journal with a repurposed cover of an old 1973 Childcraft Annual (Jocelyn, remember those???) Awesome!
What was going on in the East Bay, you ask? Well, we got to milk goats, feed the horses, and harvest eggs from REAL LIVE HENS at Deer Hill Ranch where my friend M. is the Executive Director and farmhand extraordinaire. We were also able to pick some very sweet and luscious plums. I am flush with farm-fresh products. Slow food, ya'll, slow food. Thanks, M.! Can't wait to work on that logo!
YEAY!!!! I love how the crafts faire was renegade.
On a side note: I may actually turn down pizza for lunch today. This would be the first time I have ever turned down pizza.
petit collage....lurve it...i believe baby j's big boy room will have an alphabet collage in it now...sweet!
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