Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dedicated to my friend, Kitty

You gave us many years of companionship. Hope you have as many Pounces as you want, and lots of birds to meow at, and a comfortable pillow cloud to lie on. We'll miss you.


Leah said...

R.I.P., Kitty. ;-(

jocelyn said...

you were much loved, kitty.

Anonymous said...

sad clown! what a cute pic of her sleeping on Pinky Tuscadero!

Alison said...

Though I never had the privilege of meeting Kitty, I feel as if I knew her from all the hilarious and lovely stories told to me by you and Lani. My heart goes out to Melissa during this sad time. But I am picturing Kitty and Flo frolicking like mad in cat heaven.